Starting a batch at the Recurse Center

Today is the first day of my 12-week batch at the Recurse Center! As I mentioned in my first post, one reason I wanted to restart my blog was to share my experience as I go through my batch. I am doing this in part to help keep myself accountable, and in part to offer a window into my time at RC for people I've told about it and who were curious.

What follows is some background on why I chose to attend RC (and why now), as well as a semi-structured list of things I want to learn or work on, things I'm hopeful about and excited for, and anxieties I want to work through. ...more

9 min read July 01, 2024 #rc #programming

Hello, world (again)!

Growing up in that — in retrospect, relatively brief — period of time when the Internet had already become popular, but social media platforms had not yet taken over, I had made multiple attempts to host a standalone blog.

The first was when I was, I don't know, 11? 12? I bought a domain (no idea with what money) matching the then really cool username I had on various forums, set up hosting (also no idea with what money), and installed WordPress. I don't know what I blogged about in that first iteration, because that website (and its really cool domain name) is long-lost to the digital abyss. I don't think I posted very much, though, and probably lost interest pretty quickly. The idea of having my own website and a blog was cooler than actually running them. ...more

6 min read June 28, 2024 #misc #personal